Being Back at School

I think I have started every single one of these by saying what strange times we live in. Coming back to school I think was the thing I was most nervous for, and maybe I was right, but a week later I am used to it. It was daunting, and things have changed already but we are getting used to it.

So I guess I should start on Thursday, only 4 years were in and it was the smallest years in the school. I will say, I did no work, but it was nice to be able to sit and talk to people and see teachers again. Ok, no one really followed the rules, and social distancing went out the window it feels but it was a nice time. I mean we even had a fire drill, that was more chaotic. But the rules of keep to the left at all times, cleaning desks and all of them feel as though they have been forgotten, and people can’t read the signs that are plastered everywhere. Our teachers are in good spirits though, they are happy to be back to see us, feeling a bit unsafe possibly but thats unknown. Some are wearing masks, I have mine with me at all times, I just don’t wear it as no one else does. I guess it is a not wanting to be judged sort of thing.

The rest of last week was much the same, sitting in classes and talking about what we’ve done over the past 6 months, I think that was when it hit me how long we have actually sat at home. Friday ended up having another fire drill, after a parent pressed the fire alarm instead of the exit button, no one knows how. I also started my fluent Gaelic course which over the past week has been an adventure. In comparison to my typical learners course, my answer suddenly have to be in Gaelic, and every single thing is in the language. Although in comparison to my Advanced Learners course, it feels like the course content is easy. That and I have the whole department behind me helping me wherever possible.

I think my biggest anxiety before I came back was the going into a big group again after avoiding them so much for 6 months. I think that still is a niggling thing in my mind, it is very hard to get used to it when you still can’t meet up outside. There has been numerous cases in schools across the country, in clusters created from kids attending house parties and things similar. It worries me the fact I know parties will start back again in a couple weeks and then is that gonna happen at my school? I’d rather not go back though the hell of lockdown, I’ve loved going to hockey again and also seeing all my mates again in school. I’d rather not have that all go away again.

I guess the best positive of all this, that isnt the fact I’ve been seeing my friends is the routine is back. I’m sleeping properly, getting up early and being really productive. Like come on, I am enjoying writing essays and reading my poems.

I guess this is a nice lesson for those in other places that havent returned to school yet or are doing blended learning. I want to continue learning online. I loved sitting in my PJs while doing work. Like come on, full comfort. I do miss those lessons. But I feel I haven’t been happier in a while. I have good exam results and what is setting out to be a great year. Lets just see how it goes.

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